IBA PU Alumni Association
UK Chapter

UK chapter of IBA PU Alumni Association comprises of 36 members across England, Scotland and Wales. Our affiliates are fully integrated and valuable members of UK society. Proudly we act as ambassadors of Pakistan and carry flag of our alma mater. With coronavirus pandemic there is a new normal in society, hence currently we are unable to hold any get togethers, but we are looking to arrange once its practically possible to do so and safe to meet up.
UK Chapter feels proud to share the efforts and contributions of our valuable Alumni member Mr. Mirza Faraz Baig (MBA 1996-98). Mr. Faraz is founder and chairman of Stable Steps Care Centre, Stockport and the Director of East and West Health Care Ltd, Manchester. His companies focus on providing health and social care services for variety of service users fulfilling Regulated activities defined as accommodation for adults who necessitate nursing or personal care. During this pandemic his personal dedication and contribution to help the most vulnerable people was highly appreciated and recognized by local community in Manchester.